Choose any 3 competitions for 1 fee!
Competitions can be a combination of Nationals, Championships, Spirit Series from the AmeriCheer Family of Brands event calendar.* INCLUDING The Ohio Grand (for school teams)
School Cheer & Novice divisions: $100
REC/ All Star Prep: $195
All Star USASF/ All Star Independent Elite: $215
All Dance: 15% off each routine
*Does not include the InterNationals, Hershey Open Nationals, Worlds Divisions for Cheer and Dance, Exhibitions.
How Do I Register for the Bundle?
Give us a call at 614-898-1000 or email
VIP Coaches Club Tote filled with many goodies
Coaches membership T-Shirt (2 per organization)
10% OFF Victory Wear certificate
50% OFF Coaches Conference
Additional sponsored items
10% OFF registration per event after obtaining VIP LOYALTY CLUB status
Do the following:
Attend three (3) competitions between any AmeriCheer Family of Brands during the current competition season.